Advice on pet care from our vets
Pet Care Articles
Below are some helpful articles offering advice and ideas for caring for your pets, written by the staff and colleagues of Turramurra Vet Hospital.
Simply click on the article. Below each article is a chance to download a copy if you wish.
Click here to find articles, tips and advice on pet behaviour.

Why is my Dog an Obsessive Paw Licker?
There are a number of reasons why a dog may start licking its paw – allergy, ticks, insect bite or foreign objects are all potential causes.
Help! My Cat Keeps Missing the Litter Tray!
Cats usually have a pretty accurate aim, managing to urinate and defecate within the boundaries of their litter tray….but not always!
Indoor Enrichment: 6 Simple Steps to a Happy Cat!
With the right environmental enrichment cats can live happy, fulfilling lives completely indoors.
Beware of Grapes, Sultanas and Raisins!
Grapes (or dried grapes such as raisins and sultanas) can be highly toxic to dogs and cats. What do you do if your pet eats grapes or sultanas?
Top Tips for Giving a Tablet to a Cat
Administering pills is one of the more difficult aspects of cat ownership. Here are some simple tips to help in giving a tablet to your cat.
How to Manage and Prevent Dog Ear Problems
Dog ear infections, known as otitis externa, are extremely common, particularly in spring and summer in Sydney due to the heat and humidity.
Could my Pet have a Food Allergy?
Our pets are fed a variety of foods and specific proteins (such as beef or chicken) sometimes trigger an allergy.
Intravenous Fluid Therapy
Intravenous fluid therapy is commonly used for a whole host of clinical problems, as well as during procedures requiring anaesthesia.
Help! My Cat Keeps Vomiting up Hairballs!
If your cat has a hairball, the problem can be trickier than thrown up slimeballs and unpleasant cleanups. It may be a more serious issue.